00:00:25.033 --> 00:00:43.959
Music, starting with grab your lady grab a drink this is a chasing daylight podcast.
00:00:43.959 --> 00:00:45.042
This is a chasing daylight podcast.
00:00:45.063 --> 00:00:45.264
It podcast.
00:00:45.264 --> 00:00:45.625
This is a Chasing.
00:00:45.645 --> 00:00:46.146
Dead Eye podcast.
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It's Tuesday, you got nowhere else to be, but you're here with us.
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Why don't you turn the lights down low?
00:00:53.780 --> 00:00:56.189
Put that red light in, put the red light on.
00:00:57.820 --> 00:00:59.484
Throw them pennies over that lamp.
00:01:01.167 --> 00:01:04.647
This is the Latest man.
00:01:04.647 --> 00:01:05.131
Oh, there it comes.
00:01:05.150 --> 00:01:15.564
Oh shit, oh there comes a oh we're getting all hot sweaty I live.
00:01:15.805 --> 00:01:23.209
I live on a boat, I live on a boat what was the ladies man's name the
00:01:23.310 --> 00:01:25.153
ladies remember the ladies man, you remember that movie.
00:01:25.153 --> 00:01:49.786
Oh, the ladies man's name is yeah, leon, it's like leon yeah I'm the ladies man, the ladies man dude, that movie was great all right, so maybe not the typical intro you guys he lived on a boat uh, welcome everybody to another episode of the chasing daylight podcast, bringing it a little bit different.
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We're still loving the feeding the ducks.
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Uh, thank you, stream song for that.
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And thank you everybody, uh, for tuning in to us.
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We are live on instagram, we are live on x and we are live on youtube.
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So if you want to tune in live and join us this evening, that is where you can do it.
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Youtube and Sweaty made me laugh.
00:02:11.846 --> 00:02:16.126
Youtube and X.
00:02:16.126 --> 00:02:22.808
If you leave a comment on the feed, we can share it here on the screen and share those with everybody else.
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Instagram unfortunately, we can't do that yet.
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Don't know why, but it's probably something with Share those with everybody else instagram.
00:02:28.169 --> 00:02:28.891
Unfortunately, we can't do that yet.
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Don't know why, but it's probably something with uh everybody else instagram oh, a little feedback yeah
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uh so yeah, uh, come hang out with us.
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Uh, you can see I got scrolling across the bottom.
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We want your tgl takes uh three weeks in.
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Everybody knows what the product is right now.
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We'll be talking about that here in a little bit.
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Jo, joe and Dan completely forgot about it tonight.
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Jeremy's got I'm sure he's got a really good excuse.
00:02:48.263 --> 00:02:49.044
I watched all of it.
00:02:49.044 --> 00:02:49.846
I actually did.
00:02:50.086 --> 00:02:50.668
Oh, you did.
00:02:51.229 --> 00:02:54.735
Hey, nice, yeah, jay, all right.
00:02:55.320 --> 00:02:57.447
Coming to the show prepared I love it.
00:02:57.467 --> 00:02:58.310
Becoming a fan.
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Becoming a fan.
00:03:07.699 --> 00:03:08.581
I don't know about that.
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I, yeah, we'll talk about that.
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Yeah, so the amex took place down in palm springs.
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Uh, dan's buddy, kyle mendoza, had a good day, a bad day and a not great day, so, uh, at least he got some pga tour experience out there with the big boys.
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Uh, star of the show the bunker on 16.
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I mean, as always I mean, I think this year it was even more profound.
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They were like so many people struggling with it, so but yeah, it's a highlight of the course.
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The island green you think would take more precedent, but nope, it's a 17 foot, 17 foot deep bunker, greenside bunker, that was started to show they're uh gonna give a little love to our friend jeff marsh.
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Uh, his golf is art.
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Volume two, second edition, is out, holy mary that is a little thicker than I thought it was dude it, it, this thing has so much.
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I don't want to give too much away because you know, but it is just gotta order it nothing wow fabulous photos and stories.
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Uh, I've gone through and looked at all the pictures a couple times.
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Now I'm gonna start reading it so, because the read a couple passages and it's really really good stuff.
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So hey, one of the greatest golf photographers currently like maybe of our time, like jeff marsh, is a phenom.
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He he captures incredible moments.
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I mean, some of the things he catches with his lens is incredible.
00:04:30.589 --> 00:04:34.982
But yeah, as I'm flipping the t, flip in, and just how he catches it.
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I mean he, he's a, he's a master, so shout out marsh, highly, highly talented uh, dan jeremy, myself, trey, had a windy day out of boulder creek.
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Uh, we can chat about that if you want to uh test it.
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A bunch of new gear from callaway on sunday yeah, right there little jeff marsh for you yep um mac bandon I was supposed to get another piece in the mail today.
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I don't know if you guys follow the account sometimes drawss.
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It's a lady that does art.
00:05:04.908 --> 00:05:06.771
Yeah, yeah, yeah, so you won that.
00:05:07.512 --> 00:05:08.093
No no.
00:05:09.021 --> 00:05:09.843
Oh, you ordered?
00:05:09.843 --> 00:05:12.031
Yeah, no, she did a giveaway.
00:05:13.262 --> 00:05:15.230
Yeah, she's doing giveaways once a week.
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I think she's going to start doing them, but some really cool hand-drawn art and she got a print machine, so she's printing her artwork and you can buy prints print machine, so she's printing her uh artwork and you can buy prints and uh, and what a fucking fantastic name for a golf.
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Illustrator sometimes draws double, a little double entendre there, genius genius, what a name, what a name um, so that was supposed to be here today, but I'll have it.
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I'll show everybody that next week, uh.
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And then, like I said, we tested a bunch of new gear but didn't exactly have the best weather to see how everything was, uh.
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And then the pga show is taking place, uh, starting well when people hear this tomorrow on the podcast today for you live folks, it starts tomorrow down in orlando.
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So if you follow any of the manufacturers or any of the golf uh media people, your feed's going to be unindated with updates from the pga show.
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Roars is down there or up there from miami, so he's been giving me some.
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He's on the ground yep, he's on the grounds.
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Uh, joe from lofty, he's there.
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He got there today, um I've larson is there uh so many guys there.
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I mean it's.
00:06:32.213 --> 00:06:34.444
It's where you gotta be if you're in golf.
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That's where you gotta be this week and we'll you know if, if I don't know if it'll interfere.
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I don't know if it'll interfere with your birthday bash trip that you guys always do, but we may be able to.
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We can double-decker it, we can make it like a Taco Bell taco and put some beans on the fucking shell and throw a flower tortilla around it.
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But I think everybody would have so much fun there because it is just nothing but people and golf stuff.
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I've gone twice.
00:07:03.625 --> 00:07:07.122
I wouldn't hesitate to go back so much fun.
00:07:07.122 --> 00:07:10.651
Part nine go play winter park nine hit upstream song.
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There's so many other good golf courses in that area, of course, and uh, yeah, it's, it's a blast, so hopefully.
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I mean the weather was kind of shitty today out there for the demo day, 55 degrees in orlando is never fun, but uh, you know, the event being inside the next couple days, everybody should be packed in.
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Normally what happens is the morning rush comes, everybody bounces in the afternoon and goes plays golf yeah, I don't don't know, as if a lot of people are going to be doing that, they're probably going to be a busy show floor for the next couple days.
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So, and golf channel always does live from the pga merchandise show, so if you're curious to all the new stuff they have, the only thing that sucks about them doing it is they don't show the smaller brands never, never, I mean, occasionally they do occasionally they have a little highlight, but, like you know, that's that's why I'd want to go is to see the smaller brands.
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CourseMaps is there.
00:08:05.312 --> 00:08:08.206
Coursemaps is up there, right there.
00:08:09.601 --> 00:08:10.483
So many good vendors.
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So many good vendors yeah, all right.
00:08:13.851 --> 00:08:16.764
So what do you guys want to get into first?
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What do you want to talk about?
00:08:17.725 --> 00:08:19.708
Give it to me.
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Feeding the ducks, kidding.
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We can do that.
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Feeding the ducks okay, we can do that.
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This is so, joe, yeah dude, that's vibes.
00:08:33.985 --> 00:08:47.381
Man, that's vibes, for sure I need to just find that, whomever created that and, like, give me 60 minutes of that, you know just play in the background the old podcast well, I'd be like what'd you do?
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All day I was feeding the ducks yeah, I just said I lost myself.
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I lost myself feeding the dogs.
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I was just like I haven't all day.
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I was cooking bacon, just like this cooking bacon.
00:09:00.284 --> 00:09:00.888
I flipped some eggs.
00:09:00.888 --> 00:09:02.215
I was like you know, I make coffee like this.
00:09:02.215 --> 00:09:02.758
I flipped some eggs.
00:09:04.039 --> 00:09:04.701
I was like.
00:09:04.721 --> 00:09:08.311
You know, I make coffee like this Took you six hours to do the dishes.
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Taking swings like this.
00:09:14.039 --> 00:09:14.380
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Yeah, it's going to be my new mantra on the T-Box.
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Just feeding the ducks.
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I mean, if you're trying to like get the feels down, you're in that slow motion kind of thing like we've got to stick the positions that could be a good song, just do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do.
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Yeah, feed the ducks.
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All right, Jeremy TGL, We'll start there.
00:09:38.548 --> 00:09:42.168
Yeah, so I haven't watched it live.
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I haven't watched it live yet.
00:09:43.485 --> 00:09:49.187
I usually let it record on youtube tv so I can go through and skip all the commercials.
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So I can get it done in about 45 minutes to an hour.
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But, um, it's pretty boring to me.
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The thing that is crazy is the technology.
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I think that's the really the best part.
00:10:01.662 --> 00:10:09.160
I mean, some of the guys have good personalities for this, but, like Patrick Cantlay, oh yeah.
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He's like the opposite of what they need, but he's a great golfer and he plays well.
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And they tried, they tried to get him to interact.
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They were like poking.
00:10:19.812 --> 00:10:23.037
Like come on, say something they should just hire me.
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I would have told them like he's not going to give you anything guys, nothing you know like and joe hates his face for years.
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I've been saying this for years yeah, he's not going to give you anything.
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It's not going to be competitive tonight at least no no, it was another blowout, yeah we've had three blowouts it's four, nothing, uh, a lot of.
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Not one hammer was thrown, I don't think.
00:10:48.354 --> 00:10:50.187
Really, what were the teams?
00:10:51.081 --> 00:10:52.306
Atlanta and New York.
00:10:52.306 --> 00:10:56.208
So Ricky Fowler again with Matty Fitz.
00:10:56.208 --> 00:10:58.183
Who else is on that team?
00:10:58.183 --> 00:11:00.370
00:11:03.085 --> 00:11:03.788
Xander right.
00:11:04.259 --> 00:11:10.881
No, Xander's hurt cameron young oh cam young, yeah, cam young, that's who it was.
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And then uh oh yeah, I can't, I yeah then it was uh, jt cantley and billy ho, which jt and billy ho were great yeah, I could say yeah they were they are fantastic.
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They like, they get it, they get it, they get it.
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I was really happy with them.
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I think on the other team, the only person that somewhat gets it is Ricky Fitz probably doesn't get it at all, and Cam Young.
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He is just Cam hit ball.
00:11:39.946 --> 00:11:43.706
Oh yeah, he's like pound it.
00:11:43.706 --> 00:11:44.445
He's not like Cam hit ball.
00:11:44.445 --> 00:11:44.659
Dude, Cam hit ball.
00:11:44.659 --> 00:11:44.984
You can hammer the ball.
00:11:44.984 --> 00:11:45.312
Though he's like pound it, you know he's not like.
00:11:46.774 --> 00:11:49.966
Dude you can hammer the ball, though it's crazy, like the sound it makes in there.
00:11:50.006 --> 00:11:55.304
Wow, I do think JT's team versus Tiger's team will be good.
00:11:56.528 --> 00:11:56.769
00:11:58.764 --> 00:12:05.168
I'm hoping, with Keegan and Rory next week, that it will be a good show, because it's I'm pretty sure it's Tiger's team against Keegan and Rory next week.
00:12:05.168 --> 00:12:11.442
That it will be a good, good show, cause it's it's I'm pretty sure it's Tiger's team against Keegan and Rory's team, the Boston commons or whatever.
00:12:11.864 --> 00:12:12.986
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:12:12.986 --> 00:12:17.967
It passes any tampons on anybody in this yeah.
00:12:18.789 --> 00:12:18.970
00:12:20.503 --> 00:12:25.547
It was, it was good, I mean part of that like I was saying, the technology is the best part.
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It's really incredible what they've done.
00:12:27.005 --> 00:12:34.424
I do think there was some shots and this probably happened on the other two events as well but the shots just don't.
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They don't fly how they probably should.
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There was a couple that they hit that they were pretty shocked that it was 100 yards short, or it hooked, just like how.
00:12:44.692 --> 00:12:44.894
I am.
00:12:44.894 --> 00:12:46.881
I think that's great.
00:12:46.881 --> 00:12:47.924
I think that's awesome, though.
00:12:47.924 --> 00:12:48.346
I love that.
00:12:48.346 --> 00:12:52.884
I mean it is they're like disappointed with how it came out but is it real though?
00:12:53.004 --> 00:12:58.785
because, like a lot of people, a lot of people are saying yeah, that's the thing everybody needs to get over is.
00:12:58.785 --> 00:13:05.609
This is not real golf no, no, no, no, but no, it's not real golf, but it's inconsistent inconsistent, isonsistent is the thing.
00:13:06.500 --> 00:13:21.301
And that's what you're going to face if you go play indoor golf anywhere For anybody, you're going to face that and that's why I think makes it great is because they're like no, I fucking I mean I've seen Dan do it many a times- I didn't do it all the time For Bob.
00:13:21.321 --> 00:13:22.601
I didn't fucking it all the time For Bob.
00:13:22.621 --> 00:13:24.163
I didn't fucking hit it like that.
00:13:24.163 --> 00:13:36.152
I didn't hit it like that and I love that, because I've played indoor golf, simulator golf, many times and I love seeing that because we're not the only ones and I think it makes us relate to them a little bit better.
00:13:36.772 --> 00:13:43.317
And I love seeing that, but when you have the funding and the backing of Tiger Woods and ESPN, that doesn't matter.
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It does matter the funding and the backing of tiger woods and that doesn't matter.
00:13:47.043 --> 00:13:47.363
It does matter.
00:13:47.363 --> 00:13:54.722
The technology should be accurate, yeah, but the whole thing is is to bring them to the consumer, and I think that's what it's doing.
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It's and that's why they need the banter.
00:13:56.610 --> 00:14:01.245
That's why that one week, when they threw the flag, that's something we would do on the golf course.
00:14:01.245 --> 00:14:03.288
I don't think this is golf.
00:14:03.288 --> 00:14:04.371
This is not golf.
00:14:04.371 --> 00:14:09.447
This is golf with your friends in a fun atmosphere, and it's entertaining.
00:14:09.447 --> 00:14:11.451
It's not supposed to be real golf.
00:14:11.451 --> 00:14:13.623
Everybody's like saying it's real golf.
00:14:13.623 --> 00:14:14.183
It's not.
00:14:14.283 --> 00:14:26.253
This is no, I know, it's not real golf, I just I I still think you could have a level of accuracy at this level I mean, this is yeah you know you, you see.
00:14:26.273 --> 00:14:27.313
But I love that shit.
00:14:27.313 --> 00:14:39.657
That's why I like it is because it's fucking fucks up, sometimes just like the shit when we go inside it fucks up and that's what I appreciate seeing personally, because I've hit many.
00:14:39.657 --> 00:14:41.163
I've hit shots on track man.
00:14:41.163 --> 00:14:53.091
I'm like I didn't fucking do that computer's wrong and I would love to see them be like I didn't hit it like that, the computer's wrong but tiger will never, do that tiger will never do that because he's sponsored by full swing.
00:14:53.150 --> 00:15:03.886
So oh yeah, but a lot of people were saying last week that tiger woods with a wedge from 105 yards doesn't airmail the green that's the thing, it's different.
00:15:04.008 --> 00:15:04.548
It's different.
00:15:04.548 --> 00:15:06.942
You have to adapt, just like putting when we.
00:15:06.942 --> 00:15:07.923
I mean, how long does it?
00:15:07.964 --> 00:15:14.403
take you to adapt to the putting inside for yeah, yeah, that's the thing is, it's not adapting, though.
00:15:14.403 --> 00:15:22.184
It's like one shot was hit 100 yards shorter than it should have been and the other one wasn't like it was.
00:15:22.184 --> 00:15:27.625
It's not like he missed it that badly that he hit it that poorly, which, again, I get it.
00:15:27.625 --> 00:15:28.508
It's not real golf.
00:15:29.721 --> 00:15:34.785
And these guys aren't going to adapt to indoor golf, they play on the PGA Tour.
00:15:34.785 --> 00:15:38.710
This is just walking around on a Tuesday night.
00:15:39.440 --> 00:15:46.029
Maybe the simulators are not used to, they're not designed for the way it comes off of real grass.
00:15:46.029 --> 00:15:46.390
I don't.
00:15:46.390 --> 00:15:51.291
Maybe that's a thing I don't know yeah but, I mean it's still incredible.
00:15:51.410 --> 00:16:13.807
It's amazing it doesn't look full, the grass does not look full well, I think the biggest problem that they're having right now is with chipping, because nobody cantley was the only person that I think I've seen hit a decent chip shot yeah, chipping is pretty tough ricky was like and it was so funny because they, they hyped up ricky's like this is his fifth time here.
00:16:13.807 --> 00:16:15.235
He's really getting used to it.
00:16:15.254 --> 00:16:28.089
He's getting into a groove, he's really oh and he just blates it it's like it's incredible, though I'd be really curious how they do that change the green shape and the the slope and all that is just.
00:16:28.350 --> 00:16:39.163
It's mind-boggling how they do it I'd be really if, like if they threw in foresight or trackman, how much that would change yeah, that'll never happen.
00:16:39.163 --> 00:16:43.870
You know that'll never happen, but like, maybe full swing's not there yet.
00:16:46.234 --> 00:16:46.514
I don't know.
00:16:52.580 --> 00:16:53.604
The full swing launch monitors that I've been on.
00:16:53.604 --> 00:16:55.692
I've always thought that they were, yeah, but you've been on the overhead ones, right?
00:16:55.692 --> 00:16:56.998
Yeah, you've been on the overhead ones.
00:16:56.998 --> 00:16:57.559
Yeah, that's the thing.
00:16:57.559 --> 00:17:02.980
This is a radar from behind and, who knows, with a radar doesn't do well with fluorescent lights.
00:17:02.980 --> 00:17:04.968
Who knows if there's like fluorescent lights in there.
00:17:06.762 --> 00:17:10.311
Like they should get all this money to build this place.
00:17:10.311 --> 00:17:12.885
It should be accurate.
00:17:14.069 --> 00:17:14.210
00:17:14.480 --> 00:17:15.883
And it's also the first season.
00:17:16.203 --> 00:17:16.724
Whoops Sorry.
00:17:17.467 --> 00:17:18.910
No, no, no, First season.
00:17:18.910 --> 00:17:20.413
Yeah, there's going to be bugs.
00:17:20.819 --> 00:17:22.442
Things are going to get way better as they go.
00:17:22.442 --> 00:17:26.849
I mean been trying to think about, like how the how it's supposed to be, it's a team thing, it's.
00:17:26.849 --> 00:17:37.626
I mean, yeah, I don't know what the plan is if they want to make it fit in with other major team sports, but I've been trying to think about it from a future standpoint, like how are they going to?
00:17:37.626 --> 00:17:38.829
How is this going to continue?
00:17:38.829 --> 00:17:39.662
How is it going to grow?
00:17:39.662 --> 00:17:40.743
How is it going to get bigger?
00:17:40.743 --> 00:17:42.809
More teams, more players make the arena bigger.
00:17:42.809 --> 00:17:44.374
I'm just trying to like imagine what that's going to get bigger.
00:17:44.374 --> 00:17:45.336
More teams, more players make the arena bigger.
00:17:45.336 --> 00:17:47.481
I'm just trying to like imagine what that's going to be like.
00:17:47.481 --> 00:17:52.221
But obviously first season there's bugs, it's they're building it from the ground up.
00:17:52.402 --> 00:17:54.126
So yeah, it's not like that's the thing before.
00:17:54.126 --> 00:17:56.521
It's the first season, I mean they're gonna have to work it out.
00:17:56.521 --> 00:18:02.124
I mean they did get an extra year when the storm blew down the sofi center originally.